I also read some question about this flower that I never know before, why does the crysant moon look upside down near equator. I was confused, is it Crysant can look upside? Not logic for me, but I read the answer from other, like that:
The crescent moon doesn't always look upside down near the equator. If you are looking at a rising moon right before sunrise the crescent will point towards the horizon, if after sunrise it will point upwards. Similarly, if you are looking at the a setting moon before sunset it will point up, and after sunset it will point downwards.
Most commonly, people will notice the moon either before the sunrises or after it sets because the sky is dimmer and the moon appears brighter. So normally, people think of the crescent moon whether rising or setting as pointing towards the horizon.
1 year ago.
After I read all I just realized, That Crysant moon in that question is deffrent with Crysant flower that I talk before :(
wah ternyata hobies kembang juga yaa...
terimkasih atas kunjungannya dan semoga betah berkunjung ke aglaonemaku
sukses selalu deh kunjungi terus www.aglaonemaku.blogtspot.com
It's beatyfull. I like flower very much.. Sometimes, when i look it in the garden, i fell defferent... Give me spirit...
Btw, nice blog my friend..
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