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Tattoo Designs & Symbols - Chrysanthemum Tattoos

One of the most widely cultivated flowers in the world, the chrysanthemum's popularity has grown such that "mums" now reign as the undisputed "Queen of the Fall Flowers." Centuries of careful breeding by gardeners has resulted in a wide range of floral colors, shapes, and sizes. Today, the flower's colors include various shades of pink, purple, red, yellow, bronze or orange, and white.
Chrysanthemum comes from combining the Greek word chrysos; meaning gold, with anthemon; meaning flower. So the chrysanthemum is literally, the ‘golden flower’. This noble blossom was often portrayed as a symbol of perfection in many cultures. Quite an achievement for a blossom that started out as a small, yellow daisy-like flower!
The chrysanthemum has been cultivated in China for nearly 2,700 hundred years and the flower was revered for both its beauty and as a medicinal herb. As an herb, it was believed to have the power of life. Legend has it that the boiled roots were used as a headache remedy; young sprouts and petals were eaten in salads; and leaves were brewed for a festive drink.
"If you would be happy for a lifetime, grow Chrysanthemums," says one ancient Chinese philosopher. In China the

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